2024 Community Report
“Our company and the nearly 600 associates who work here are focused on helping our customers achieve their financial goals, supporting robust and vibrant local economies, advancing financial literacy, funding and volunteering for non-profit organizations that address the unique and urgent challenges our communities may face, and more. At the heart of each of these efforts is a focus on building real and lasting connections – with individuals, families, businesses, non-profits and local municipalities throughout our footprint, and among our own team.“
– Martin K. Birmingham
President & CEO of Five Star Bank
President & CEO of Five Star Bank

2023 Community Report
Because The point is you.
“As a community bank, understanding and serving the needs of individuals, families, businesses, non-profits and local municipalities throughout our footprint is what makes us a successful enterprise and what motivates our associates every day. By catering our financial products to those we serve, from premier checking accounts for nonprofits, to loan programs for first-time home buyers, to digital enhancements to support small businesses, we make sure our focus is on you.”
– Martin K. Birmingham
President & CEO of Five Star Bank
President & CEO of Five Star Bank

2022 Community Report
The point is you.
"At Five Star Bank, we understand that by keeping people at the heart of everything we do, our team, our customers and our communities will thrive and realize their dreams. Simply put—we ensure the point is you. For the fifth consecutive year, our Community Report highlights the ways in which we are fulfilling our purpose and promoting sustainable business practices that deliver long-term value to the communities we serve."
– Martin K. Birmingham
President & CEO of Five Star Bank
President & CEO of Five Star Bank

2021 Community Report
Together today for a better tomorrow.
"I am pleased to present the fourth annual Five Star Bank Community Report. We are a community-focused bank, offering local leadership and local decision-making to our consumer and business customers. Our associates and members of the Board of Directors live in the communities we serve and are committed to the success of those communities."
– Martin K. Birmingham
President & CEO of Five Star Bank
President & CEO of Five Star Bank

2020 Community Report
Cultivating a stronger community.
"It is a pleasure and an honor to present the third annual Five Star Bank Community Report. Across the organization, our associates are making a difference because of their dedication to serving our customers and improving our communities. Within this report we have endeavored to illustrate some of the ways that Five Star Bank is making a positive impact in our communities.
Since March of this year, we’ve had to change the way we operate. We responded swiftly to the COVID-19 pandemic and implemented an array of actions to protect the health and safety of our associates and customers while providing support to our consumer and business customers. The illustration on the last page of this report provides an overview of actions taken... Our organization transitioned very quickly from business-as-usual operations to a new standard of working together from multiple locations across our footprint. Our associates have continued to work every day, ready to serve our customers and improve our communities. "
– Martin K. Birmingham
President & CEO of Five Star Bank
President & CEO of Five Star Bank

2019 Community Report
At the heart of a flourishing community.
"We have provided community support in multiple ways since the publication of our inaugural community report in June of last year, including some exciting new initiatives. On the following pages, you’ll learn about these initiatives as well as the many programs, products and services we offer to help the residents of our communities. We are focused on helping all our customers build financial security because we understand that placing our customers’ financial well-being at the heart of everything we do goes beyond the walls of our institution.
I am proud of my Five Star teammates and their commitment as well. They give freely of their time, talent and financial resources, and many participate as volunteers, trustees and committee members of charitable organizations. Giving back is a high priority for all of us at Five Star Bank and affiliates SDN Insurance, Courier Capital and HNP Capital."
– Martin K. Birmingham
President & CEO of Five Star Bank
President & CEO of Five Star Bank

2018 Community Report
Today is tomorrow in progress.®
"It is with great pride that we present Five Star Bank’s inaugural Community Report. In this report, you’ll read about many of the programs, products and services that we offer in support of our communities through the deployment of capital, ensuring the availability of safe, transparent and fair financial products and for charitable giving. You’ll learn about our investments in community development and areas of focus for the award of financial grants, as well as year-round philanthropic efforts through event sponsorships. You will discover how our investment strategies support our communities and see that employees give freely of their time and talent, volunteering for numerous charitable organizations in many different ways. Giving back is a high priority for all of us at Five Star Bank and our affiliates Courier Capital, HNP Capital and SDN Insurance Agency, LLC."
– Martin K. Birmingham
President & CEO of Five Star Bank
President & CEO of Five Star Bank
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